Monday, January 30, 2006
Happy New Year!!
Yeah... This is my year! ( Fist thumping mummy's tummy) Watch out 2006, Baby Vernice is coming... (to a theatre near you...) Hahaha.
I can't wait to get out of Mummy. Daddy and Mummy were telling me, that when I am born, I will get little red things with things called money in it. With that I can get toys for myself. I was wondering whether can I afford those sparkling little things mummy used to wear with my angpows.
Worth a shot??
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Baby Vernice
Yeah... This is my year! ( Fist thumping mummy's tummy) Watch out 2006, Baby Vernice is coming... (to a theatre near you...) Hahaha.
I can't wait to get out of Mummy. Daddy and Mummy were telling me, that when I am born, I will get little red things with things called money in it. With that I can get toys for myself. I was wondering whether can I afford those sparkling little things mummy used to wear with my angpows.
Worth a shot??
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Baby Vernice
The Ego One 10:32:00 AM

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Blog Price
Sob my blog is worthless... I think I am going to hide in mummy's womb and cry....
Sob my blog is worthless... I think I am going to hide in mummy's womb and cry....
My blog is worth $0.00.
How much is your blog worth?
The Ego One 4:11:00 PM

Of Cows, dogs and birds
People asked me (actually daddy) why he put the moo moo cows as my blog template when it was quite sure that I would be born in the year of the Dog. So it should be more doggie rather than piggies. But then again daddy always have a wierd sense of stuff, so it is unsurprising he might mistook a cow for a dog... :P
On a brighter note, Mummy can really feel the vibes now that I play the tummy bongo more forcefully. Granny gave mummy something called bird nest ( actually it is for me), it as to protect her nest when she is tryig to "hatch" me. Cool huh??
Got to sleep now, it seems like the only thing I do now.....
"V" girl
People asked me (actually daddy) why he put the moo moo cows as my blog template when it was quite sure that I would be born in the year of the Dog. So it should be more doggie rather than piggies. But then again daddy always have a wierd sense of stuff, so it is unsurprising he might mistook a cow for a dog... :P
On a brighter note, Mummy can really feel the vibes now that I play the tummy bongo more forcefully. Granny gave mummy something called bird nest ( actually it is for me), it as to protect her nest when she is tryig to "hatch" me. Cool huh??
Got to sleep now, it seems like the only thing I do now.....
"V" girl
The Ego One 4:02:00 PM

Thursday, January 12, 2006
A new layout for the new year
After much awaiting and awakening, I decided to finally get my hands dirty and really harping on daddy's subconscious to get me a new blog layout.
I think he is feeling guilty for spending so little time with mummy and me and so wanted to make it up.
I like the new layout. Do you?
Vernice "moo"ing through
After much awaiting and awakening, I decided to finally get my hands dirty and really harping on daddy's subconscious to get me a new blog layout.
I think he is feeling guilty for spending so little time with mummy and me and so wanted to make it up.
I like the new layout. Do you?
Vernice "moo"ing through
The Ego One 4:25:00 PM

I need breathing space. It is getting a bit tight here...........
I need breathing space. It is getting a bit tight here...........
The Ego One 3:52:00 PM

I sleep so much that Mummy thinks I am exactly like dad!
I sleep so much that Mummy thinks I am exactly like dad!
The Ego One 3:51:00 PM

Sunday, January 08, 2006
New Playmate
I got a new playmate... And that's daddy.
Every night, mummy and daddy would take turns to play with me. I called this game " Looking for the bump". Usually Mummy and Daddy would gently hit on Mummy's tummy and I will respond accordingly.
I know it is a boring game, but daddy was so excited about it. He wants to play the game every night. I think he should get a nintendo set or X box so that he have better things to do.
Baby Vernice
I got a new playmate... And that's daddy.
Every night, mummy and daddy would take turns to play with me. I called this game " Looking for the bump". Usually Mummy and Daddy would gently hit on Mummy's tummy and I will respond accordingly.
I know it is a boring game, but daddy was so excited about it. He wants to play the game every night. I think he should get a nintendo set or X box so that he have better things to do.
Baby Vernice
The Ego One 3:19:00 PM