Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Harlow everyone! I was finally evicted from mummy's womb on Saturday 29 April 2006 at 6.22am! It was quite a struggle.. on the one hand I can't wait to see the world and mummy and daddy and yet on the other I was pretty comfortable in mummy's womb. Imagine the hassle of eating and pooping and worse being treated like a toy and carried all over the place like some museum exhibits :P
According to the busy people around me, I weigh 3.015 kg and am 52cm long! When the nurses first saw me, they remarked how much hair I had. Mummy says I look like daddy especially when I sleep.
Mummy and daddy said that I choose such an appropriate time - 6 year anniversary of their ROM! Daddy's students were not so kind, they said that I was born on the same day as this man. However they were all wrong! However when I got daddy to google my birthdate, he realised that there were some interesting people who have the same birthdate as me - Alexander II of Russia, Emperor Hirohito of Japan and Duke Ellington, the famous jazz musician. People with power and talent...Hee Hee
Mummy and I were supposed to go back yesterday but the people said that I got jaundice and have to be in hospital for observation and "suntanning" Well I guess I will just have to wait till this afternoon
Mummy is resting now and so must I. Zzz-zzz! Being as vain as daddy I shall save the words and flood with pictures... Will blog again.
Baby Vernice
P.S Tag my board ok??

Mummy and Daddy. Daddy loves to stroke my head

Family Photo: From Left: The Ugly Thing which is daddy, the prettiest thing which is me and the second prettiest thing which is Mummy.
Frontal view of me.

Harlow everyone! I was finally evicted from mummy's womb on Saturday 29 April 2006 at 6.22am! It was quite a struggle.. on the one hand I can't wait to see the world and mummy and daddy and yet on the other I was pretty comfortable in mummy's womb. Imagine the hassle of eating and pooping and worse being treated like a toy and carried all over the place like some museum exhibits :P
According to the busy people around me, I weigh 3.015 kg and am 52cm long! When the nurses first saw me, they remarked how much hair I had. Mummy says I look like daddy especially when I sleep.
Mummy and daddy said that I choose such an appropriate time - 6 year anniversary of their ROM! Daddy's students were not so kind, they said that I was born on the same day as this man. However they were all wrong! However when I got daddy to google my birthdate, he realised that there were some interesting people who have the same birthdate as me - Alexander II of Russia, Emperor Hirohito of Japan and Duke Ellington, the famous jazz musician. People with power and talent...Hee Hee
Mummy and I were supposed to go back yesterday but the people said that I got jaundice and have to be in hospital for observation and "suntanning" Well I guess I will just have to wait till this afternoon
Mummy is resting now and so must I. Zzz-zzz! Being as vain as daddy I shall save the words and flood with pictures... Will blog again.
Baby Vernice
P.S Tag my board ok??

Mummy and Daddy. Daddy loves to stroke my head

Family Photo: From Left: The Ugly Thing which is daddy, the prettiest thing which is me and the second prettiest thing which is Mummy.
Frontal view of me.
Auntie Jenny and Me - Auntie Jenny is daddy's good friend wifey.
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It seems that I will not be going back after all today. The Doctor says they need to keep me for one more day for observation because of my jaundice but mummy is free to go. She will pick me up tomorrow. Anyway I think asking me to stay back for one more day is an excuse; I guess they can't have enough of me.. Hee Hee.
The Ego One 8:00:00 AM