Sunday, March 25, 2007
My Outing
Here are some of the pictures taken:
After the teething issues that i have to reconcile recently, i have been busy training my senses and limbs.
I am proud to say that i'm getting more mobile by the day. daddy is extremely frustrated with me when i want to find out who he is smsing or emailing. he would usually push me aside and give me that stern look and a firm "no". However iritating as I am , i would continue to persevere and he would have no choice but to stop whatever he is doing to play with me. :)
Yesterday was the celebration of gramps birthday. According to mummy, we were to have a small outing at the beach followed by a sumptuous dinner at the seafood restaurant. Mmm... I am already salivating. Sadly I cant sink my teeth on the crabs and prawns yet.
The outing at the bach was fun as this was the very first time I played with sand. There was also the time when daddy brought me to the seaside and feel the waves coming onto my feet and body. I hate the after fun cold shower though. But it was great spending time with family.
Here are some of the pictures taken:
The princess, Me on mummy's laps in the car - I still didnt know where we were going..
Yeah! At the beach, can you see all those sandcastle infront of me.. Gramps made it for me.
Mummy with me - feeling the waves of water coming at us....
Pondering..... daddy's artistic take....
The Ego One 1:41:00 PM

Thursday, March 01, 2007
It has been so long since I last blogged. I have been busy training my senses:

Plastic isnt tht nice to chew on, but I was bored cos Grandma n Aunt dun let me tear the newspapers. *pout*
Good thing Daddy brought me, Mummy, Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt to Sentosa to see flowers last Sat. Actually, it's aunt's suggestion, though grandma isnt too keen. But the place was quite fun, despite the rain. Aunt took quite a few photos of me.
Wah! So many flowers!
Baby Vernice
The Ego One 5:03:00 PM