Sunday, April 08, 2007
Flu Attack
I am down with a virus. I am drooling all over, and I have a running nose, well that what uncle, daddy and mummy keep saying. Isn't it weird that I can only crawl and barely walk and I am having a running nose? :P
I had an uncomfortable night, I think daddy and mummy were equally frustrated with the lack of sleep. I was tossing and turning and mummy refused to put the fan on, for fear it would make my running nose run further... Mummy brought me to see a doctor this morning and after taking the medication, I was back to my zealous self of crawling all over and pulling things over. Uncle said that the medication must be some form of estasy or something, got me really high. But then the drowiness of the drugs got the better of me, and I was knocked out for a morning nap. But it didnt take long for me to start harassing the rest of the family again :P
Anyway I got a feeling that my sickness was due to the makan session we had. It was mummy belated birthday and daddy brought us to this place with a lot of guitars to celebrate mummy birthday. It got something to do with rocks and stone apparently. I didnt really like the place, as it was abit dark, and the jie jie who was serving us, keep coming over and wanting to play with me. Being the diva I always am, I decided to ignore her and concentrate on what I should be and trying to do - colouring
This is a really dumb picture. Daddy was trying to take the Hard Rock Cafe sign with me and mummy in there. we look more than ornaments compared to the signage.
Here you could see mummy helping me with the colouring book the jie jie gave me. Mummy helping me with the colouring, even though I feel that that the crayons would be much better in my mouth. I was really famished then.
Dinner was served for the two of them and I was fed with the leftovers - talk about baby abuse! I decided to make my frustrations felt by tearing bit of servette. That ought to teach daddy and mummy a lesson about bullying me... tsk!
Anyway I am extremely distracted when we took photos. Many of the shots daddy took ended up like this...

I am not acting stuck up but my focus was on something else....
See the balloon up there, I cant wait to get my hands on it...
Anyway it was a great dinner with mummy and daddy and mummy was so happy. I dont think i can write anymore, daddy is planning to use the computer. Got to go
Little Princess
The Ego One 9:22:00 PM